> How to increase Stamina. - Facts Holder

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How to increase Stamina.

What is Stamina?

Stamina is the ability of an organism to exert itself and remain active for a long period of time, as well as its ability to resist, withstand, recover from, and have immunity to trauma, wounds or fatigue.

In other words

The ability to do something that involves a lot of physical or mental effort for a long time.

Types of Stamina:-

  • Physical Stamina
  • Mental Stamina
But here we can only discuss about how you can increase Physical Stamina

Some foods which increase physical stamina:-

1. Eggs- 

It is an essential nutrient for the growth and repair of muscle and body tissues, proteins are vital for building stamina. They not only help burn calories, but also kick in a sense of being sated. Eggs are counted among the best sources of protein on the planet with the highest biological value.An egg a day promises to keep the fatigue away.

2. Green Vegetables-

Green leafy vegetables are the saviours. Packed with iron and fibre, they augment your RBC(Red Blood Cells) count, aiding proper circulation of blood and oxygen to the body. What's more, veggies like spinach act instantly to release short term energy, thereby improving stamina, Now you know why Popeye swore by it.

3. Banana-

They are considered as the pre-workout snacks. A rich source of potassium, complex carbohydrates and fibre, they are renowned for their energy boosting powers. Besides, they also increase the releases of dopamine, the feel good harmone in the body, to make the task at hand seem less exhausting.
Just 2 bananas in a day will make you active all day.

Apart from these foods, exercise are also necessary to increase stamina.


All you need is 20 minutes of swimming at a moderate intensity to experience benefits. Once you've mastered that level of fitness, you can even increase aerobic gains by doing intervals in the water. That may sound challenging now, but with practice, it's possible. It will increase your stamina.

2. Cycling-

Cycling is the another way to increase stamina. All you need is to wake up early do stretching and go out with your cycle. Do cycling for atleast 30 minutes. It will increase the oxygen capacity in your lungs and increase your stamina.

3. Running-

It is the best way to increase stamina. No equipment is required for running. Just wake up early wear your sports shoes and start running in your area. You don't need to go anywhere. If you are a beginner, just start walking for some day because if you start running on a very first day then there is a chances of injury in your legs.

So these were the various foods and exercises which can increase your stamina. Do these things regularly for better results.

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